Derby Day 2007

Derby Karaoke Idol

George Correia - "Karaoke Derby Idol"

Kevin Fletcher was second

Chris Calabres finished third

The first ever Derby Karaoke Idol contest drew twelve entrants and a lot of enthusiasm at Derby Day 2007. Following a first round of competition, four finalists were chosen to perform for a second time, and a tie for third place led to a tie-breaker for the third spot. When it was over, George Correia had emerged as the winner and walked away with the top prize of $100. Kevin Fletcher won $50 for his second place finish, and Chris Calbres got $25 for third. They were also presented with plaques for their efforts.

The contest was judged by Bob Dubey, Marty Brawn and Jim Crowley - all members of the nearby Elks Lodge.

Click here to see some video.

Posted June 23, 2007

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