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Welcome to Derby - Connecticut's smallest city in size, but one of the biggest in history and pride - a 2000 "All-America City" award winner, and a city with a promising future! Travel our pages to learn more about this wonderful town's past, present and future. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.  Click here to send us e-mail.

Items of interest

Hall of Famer of the Week As We Celebrate Derby's 350th birthday

Click on picture to learn more

George Blakeman

From the archives as we celebrate Derby 350

Commemorative Brochure

Brochure of events

Some older stories:

Nominate someone for the Derby Hall of Fame
Light show on the Derby-Shelton Bridge
Click here to watch Governor Lamont and others at Bridge Ceremony
Full election results from Derby
New Members to the Derby Hall of Fame for 2024
Historic Signage Project Begins for Derby's 350th
Derby Athletic Hall of Fame 2023
2024 Memorial Day Parade video
Eight Selected for Derby Athletic Hall of Fame

Check on Derby-Shelton Bridge Progress

Derby Teacher of the Year
2022 Memorial Day Parade video
DataHaven releases Derby Equity Profile
Derby Census Data - Now Available
Second Congregational Church  Gets a New Steeple
Derby Land Records Now Available Online
National Humane Fountains like Derby's found all over the United States.
GIS Mapping of Derby now includes Property Listing Reports

Your first call if you need help or information

The Derby Greenway

Find legal notices

Valley Heritage Driving Tour - begins & ends in Derby


The City of Derby has developed an official and informative City of Derby website which will be paid for and maintained by the City. You can visit the site at http://www.derbyct.gov/.

This current website was developed back in 1995 as part of the Electronic Valley project which helped launch the Internet age for almost all of the Valley towns. Derby becomes the last of the Valley communities to launch sites operated by the city governments. You can read more about that history here.

The Electronic Valley Entire Web