The Class of 1968 was out in force! All Class Reunion a Success!Click here for a complete photo album Downtown Derby came to life last night during the 5th Annual Derby High School All-Class reunion hosted by the City of Derby Cultural Commission. Graduates from 1920 – 1959 took over the Derby Elks Lodge, 1960 – 1969 mobbed Connie’s Restaurant, 1970 – 1979 landed at Frankie’s Grill, 1980 – 1989 was at Mario’s Café, and 1990 and after was headquartered at RJ’s Café. The All-Class Reunion began when Derby Mayor Marc Garofalo challenged the Cultural Commission to come up with an idea to get people to the Downtown area. The chairman at that time, Randy Ritter, decided to have the area business owners host each decade of graduates from Derby High School. All the businesses are within walking distance of each other except for Frankie’s and we encourage each decade of graduates to visit each establishment. From the very first year this has been successful and each year we seem to draw more and more people, it is definitely become one of the Cultural Commission's most successful events! Do you have a class picture from your years in Derby? We are looking for pictures of graduating classes at Derby High and the public and parochial elementary schools to publish on the web site in a new area that will be called "Generations Derby." Please e-mail a digital copy to Check out the Class of '64 here. They have their 40th reunion coming in November.
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