Easter Parade and Egg HuntOsbornedale State Park was turned into a field of dreams for kids on Saturday April 14, as the Derby Cultural Commission hosted the annual Easter Parade and Egg Hunt at Osbornedale Park. Hundreds of children and parents paraded through the park accompanied by the Mayor, Derby Fire Department and the Easter Bunny. They stopped at the open field in front of the upper pavilion where the kids scrambled to find thousands of pieces of candy hidden on the grounds. The event was cosponsored by members of the Derby Elks Lodge #571, who also provided a filled Easter Basket for the children who found the golden egg in each age group. Linda LaRue chaired this year's even for the Commission. After the candy hunt, there was a magic show and pizza. Prizes were awarded to the best adult and youth bonnets worn in the Easter Parade. Photo Album (click on images for larger pictures)