Derby Decades Party Photo Album

There were a lot of smiling faces in downtown Derby as restaurants filled for the evening with Derby High graduates of all ages. The first Grand Class Reunion was a great success as hundreds of graduates returned to their roots to renew old friendships and make new ones. Though each decade of graduates was centered in a particular location, as the night wore on the streets were filled as graduates roamed the streets crossing the boundaries of decades to meet up with their fellow graduates from our All America City!

Click on each Picture to see a larger rendering.

Decadesparty-03.jpg (26690 bytes) Decadesparty-04.jpg (29058 bytes) Decadesparty-05.jpg (27190 bytes)
Decadesparty-06.jpg (28629 bytes) Decadesparty-07.jpg (24791 bytes) Decadesparty-08.jpg (25129 bytes)
Decadesparty-10.jpg (27363 bytes) Decadesparty-11.jpg (29443 bytes) Decadesparty-12.jpg (24175 bytes)
Decadesparty-13.jpg (26185 bytes) Decadesparty-14.jpg (25532 bytes) Decadesparty-16.jpg (21050 bytes)

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