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Sterling Opera House ! 1889

Derby ! Connecticut

Living Connecticut’s History

Make your opinion known!

How do you feel about the Sterling Opera House? Why not take a minute to let us know. Just fill out this brief survey.

What should be done with the Sterling Opera House (Choose one):

Sell it to a private developer for renovation without public funds

Renovate it using a combination of private & public funds

Leave it as is

Tear it down 

Should the bottom floors of the Opera House be used for offices if it is renovated:

Yes    No

If the Opera House were to be renovated for both live entertainment and/or movies, would you attend events held there?

Yes No

What types of programs would you like to see in a renovated Sterling Opera House:

Other (Please Specify):

Your comments and suggestions:

Person submitting survey (Optional)


Do You: Live in Derby    Work in Derby

E-mail Address:



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