
(meeting taped) 

Monthly meeting:  Monday, June 14, 2004 in the Veteran’s Room of City Hall. 

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. 

By roll call, members present:  John Walsh, Edward Handi, Matt Cripps and Karen Izzo.  David Mikos arrived directly after roll call.  Al Felice and Beverly Moran were excused. 

Parks and Recreation Director Dennis O’Connell was excused.  Athletic Director Kenneth Marcucio was absent. 

additions or deletions to the agenda:

Without objection, the agenda was accepted as written. 

approval of minutes:

A motion was made by Matt Cripps and second by Edward Handi.  Move to accept the minutes of the meeting on May 10, 2004, as written.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public portion:

James Mascolo, representing Pop Warner asked permission to place a storage container to hold equipment up by the Little League field behind the existing trailer close to the guardrail.  He indicated that it would not interfere with play or parking. 

A motion was made by David Mikos and second by Karen Izzo.  Move to empower the Recreation Director to develop a solution for storage needs for Pop Warner.  Motion carried unanimously.

No one else came forward and public portion was closed. 


Mrs. Yoabacci communicated that her 13-year-old son is in Babe Ruth and she questioned whether there were rules regarding playtime as many players are not given the opportunity to play and they are getting very discouraged.  This matter will be added to next month’s agenda.


A.)  Update on Neighborhood Committee request to have the Commission oversee the administration of Witek Park:  There was nothing to update as the Parks & Recreation Commission is awaiting the outcome of the Public Works Department reorganization.  It was noted that Mr. Rizzitelli contacted the Commission to explore the placement of Little League fields and softball fields at Fountain Lake.  It was also noted that the Board of Alderman is looking at revoking the permit system at Witek Park. 


Parks & Recreation Director’s Report:  Mr. O'Connell was excused this evening. 

Athletic Director’s Report:  Mr. Marcucio was not present. 

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee – The budget summary reveals that the expenditures are going well and the revenue has exceeded the projected figure. 

Facilities Committee – Chairman Walsh reported that Mr. O'Connell is coordinating with Shelton on the Skate Park.  Corporation Counsel is drawing up the necessary agreements and the two towns are evaluating the management arrangements with the Valley YMCA.  They are striving for an opening day on August 1st

State Funds for the Greenway have been released and the local funding is being verified.  Bids have yet to be published. 

Programs Committee – The First Aid Classes were held with limited attendance.  Further classes will be scheduled in the fall.  They are looking into another coaching clinic and are considering making this a yearly offering with the possibility of mandating attendance.  It was noted that the Official’s Association might be willing to hold a clinic.  Every year, the rules are changed and updates would be helpful. 

Mr. Mikos indicated that a parent approached him offering to provide fill to the Little League field to extend it further into the Board of Education parking lot behind the school.  It was noted that with the discussions regarding a Middle School, the use of that area has yet to be determined. 

Ms. Izzo noted that parking on Nutmeg Avenue by the Little League fields is dangerous and she suggested that the area be posted for “No Parking”.  Chief Cota will be contacted and invited to attend the next meeting or offer comment on these concerns. 

A motion was made by Karen Izzo and second by Matt Cripps.  Move to adjourn the meeting at 7:50p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

The next Parks & Recreation Commission meeting will be Monday, July 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.  If the Aldermanic Chambers are unavailable then the Veteran’s room will be requested.

Respectfully prepared,

Karen Kemmesies, secretary

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