Where Have You Gone - '64?

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Derby High School Class of 1964: We are planning our 40th year HS Reunion (cocktail party and dinner) on Saturday night, November 13, 2004, at the Dolce Heritage Inn (Heritage Village), Southbury. As the Inn has rooms and spa services, those interested in staying overnight should let us know, since if we have 25 interested, we can reserve a block of rooms and get a rate of $119 per night. We could also have a breakfast/brunch on Sunday before we leave. Please reply A/S/A/P to Jamie Cohen at (203)735-9521 , jecohen01@snet.net , or j.cohen@cohen-thomas.com.

And of course, you can warm up for the class reunion by attending the All Class Reunion on Labor Day weekend. Click here for more information.

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